

Health Department The Provincial Health Ministry is a standard body for providing Medical Education Training & Employment. Its Mission Statement is:-

Mission Statement
The overall vision is based on “Health for All“ the new Health Policy aims to implement this strategy of protecting peoples against Hazardous Diseases, promoting public health, upgrading curative health facilities, enhancing equity, efficiency and effectiveness in health sector.

The Sindh Department of Health currently has more than 14,000 Doctors 2,000 Nurses and over 12,000 paramedics serving all over the province. The province has two medical universities; one each at Karachi and Jamshoro, and three medical colleges; one each in Sukkur, Nawabshah and Larkana, 12 Nursing School, 10 Midwifery Schools and 5 Public Health School for lady health visitors. The huge network of hospitals and health facilities include 6 teaching hospitals, 5 specialized institutions for chest, dermatological and mental illness, 11 district headquarters hospitals, 27 major hospitals located in the major cities, 44 Taluka hospitals, 99 Rural Health Centers in small towns, 738 basic health units in Union Councils, 305 dispensaries in larger Union Councils, 36 MCH Centers 12 maternity Homes and 39 centers for traditional medicine. The rural health centers provide specialist care in the morning hours in addition to minor emergency services and have indoor facilities that are seldom utilized, while the BHUs and dispensaries provide outdoor medication and preventive care till 2 pm.

The Rural facilities are usually ill equipped, under-staffed, and under-utilized.

Beside we facilitates:-

  • Control of Communicable diseases:-
  • Tuberculosis
  • Vaccine-preventable illnesses and Polio eradication
  • Malaria and Leishmaniosis
  • Blood Safety and Control of HIV / AIDS
  • Hepatitis B and C
  • Control of Non-communicable diseases
  • Cardiac disease, diabetes, Cancer, Mental Illness, Genetic disorders, Snake bite and Dog bite
  • Prevention of Blindness (Vision 2020) Program in Sindh
  • Take measures to implement Better Maternal and Child Health
  • To counter Malnutrition
  • To ensure Road Safety

There is a marked urban bias for both the health facilities and hospitals of the public and private sectors, with little linkages between the two. Therefore, a cadre of Lady Health Worker (LHWs) was established at the grassroots level in 1994, in order to ensure that health education, reproductive health, vaccination, control of diarrhea and other communicable diseases, promotion of safe water and sanitation and other dimensions of PHC could be made easily accessible to the local community. The LHWs are middle level educated, preferably married and residing in the catchments areas, which they serve. They are subsequently trained enabling them to provide preventive, promotive and simple curative care. Currently, 17704 Lady Health Workers (LHWs) and 705 Lady Health Workers’ Supervisors working in the field in Sindh, while around 4,000 more LHW are required in order to cover the entire rural population of the province.

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